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Steve McLaren - The Bookmaker's Choice

Steve McLaren is losing the plot. The man is only England manager because it suits the short term aims of some of the powers that be in the English game and yet McLaren has deluded himself into believing that his appointment was meritocratic.
Following his idiotic cosying up to that sinister friend of the bookies Max Clifford, he is now apparently psychologically profiling Tony Blair in order to improve his public performances. Developing a suitable PR mask is not going to hide McLaren's coaching and man management deficiencies.
Our contacts at Boro have provided us with a dossier on McLaren's shortcomings in all areas of management and his personal life when he was in the north east but yesterday's press release by departing Boro player Massimo Maccarone encapsulates the atmosphere pretty well.
"My time at Middlesbrough was sheer hell" Maccarone said. "The so-called wonderful Steve McClaren is the most hypocritical and two-faced person I have ever had the misfortune to meet. Only in England could they appoint someone with such obvious limitations to become the national coach". Couldn't agree more...

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